Oh, you play the piano too—so you may share the same paralyzing fear I have about Chinese wonder kids that have managed to become better performers (and do better in life, overall) in their short 4 years of existence than whatever I've accomplished in 25. Wait, no; it's going to be 26 next Thursday. I hate those damned little fucks so let's postpone talking about them to next *never again*.
"Further contact details"? I wasn't aware you existed beyond this comment thread. Honestly I wish to visit more locations across the digital landscape. For example, I swiftly went and dusted off the Twitter account I totally forgot I had, but it still strikes me as too awful to venture in it alone.
Although it can't be worse than the *other* kind of interaction. You know, being in a face-to-face social gathering and thinking, "Okay, I'm done peopling now. I'm ready to plunge back into solitude" which is a thought I usually regurgitate after 15 minutes if I fail to get sufficiently stimulated—AND knowing that I won't be able to act on that thought, as it would be rude to just stand up and leave with a smile of relief.
But anyway. I have to advise against painting a whole wall with printer ink. The required budget for that kind of endeavour would destabilize a whole country's economy. You should opt for more affordable liquids. Try colorized Chanel No. 5.