Kristin this was a fantastic piece. I do have unsolicited commentary on this quote though.
It goes against the cliché "show don't tell" of storytelling advice. Stories are not about what happens but how people change as a result (that's why the Transformers movies are a mess), and it is the same for our own stories.
Asking questions to ourselves over dinner is to "tell." In order to "show," we need to do, pursue, experiment, create.
I prefer Delle's perspective, which you quote earlier, when she advises to have an approach of constant self-discovery. Discovery is about exploring and doing, not theorizing and guessing.
We discover our identity, values, tastes, and everything in between by showing them to ourselves.
So I'd say it's not even necessary to write a list of values or "things to strive for." Just follow the next thing you want to create, and your personality will come afloat on its own. The more we create, the more we'll know ourselves.
Thanks for the read.